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Mayor’s nominee to the RTA board says he didn’t know about upcoming $735 million transit fiscal cliff (Updated x3)

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* Background is here on politically connected Black church leaders being appointed to the CTA board who have little to no transit experience. And click here for some mass transit fiscal cliff background. Click here for live video…

This, in a nutshell, is why the transit governing system needs to be reorganized and professionalized.

…Adding… And he’s one step closer to the RTA board…

…Adding… Illinois Transportation Labor Association Chairman, J.J. Balonek…

This decision highlights why the Illinois Transportation Labor Association will continue to advocate so that the voice of labor is added to the governance of our transit boards. We cannot move transit forward without informed decision makers who have a deep understanding of how public transportation operates and how critical it is to Illinois.

…Adding… This is yet another reason why a transit fix is so important. Chicago expressways are constantly gridlocked

Chicagoans don’t take criticism well regarding their driving skills, but Forbes recently ranked the ‘Worst Cities To Drive In,’ and like a shot of Malört, it’s not the best.

Chicago ranked seventh nationwide because “drivers spend the highest amount of time in traffic among the cities we analyzed, and as a result, drivers spend the most on gas thanks to traffic congestion.”

Chicago also ranked third worst for overall driving experience. The Windy City ranked fifth in longest average commute time (34 minutes and 30 seconds), with Forbes suggesting that it takes Chicago drivers, on average, about 17 minutes to travel six miles.

posted by Rich Miller
Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 12:51 pm


  1. Screaming internally

    Comment by DS Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 12:55 pm

  2. It’s a parody of itself…

    Comment by James Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:01 pm

  3. Drop off Rev Acree at the Forest Park station and then ride it towards O’Hare.

    Comment by Jerry Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:05 pm

  4. Being “fortunate enough to have a car” is the most fiscally backwards opinion one can have, let alone someone on the RTA board. I guess everyone who received a City gas card a few years ago is “fortunate enough to have a car.”
    Being able to take public trans or walk/bike to work are far better bellwethers of fortune in this city.

    Comment by Herb Perry Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:10 pm

  5. Why why why? Face palm.

    Comment by Shytown Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:12 pm

  6. The governance structure is built on the assumption the appointing authorities take their job seriously. Oops.

    Comment by Just Me 2 Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:12 pm

  7. I will now be having a bowl of bullets for dinner tonight.

    Comment by Matty Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:19 pm

  8. Sigh. Harder to argue against transit agency consolidation every day.

    Comment by ChicagoVinny Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:22 pm

  9. Look, the public is not owed basic competency from the CTA board. Check the receipts.

    Comment by Three Dimensional Checkers Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:23 pm

  10. Same as it ever was.

    Comment by Keyrock Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:25 pm

  11. Guess that the friends and family plan to appoint CTA board members is not working out for MBJ. Shaking my head.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:26 pm

  12. Johnson’s blind spot on transit, including during the campaign, makes so little sense to me. Especially since so many CPS students and teachers use it to get to school, which he should have perspective about.

    Comment by NIU Grad Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:27 pm

  13. The longer quote from Acree, from Jake Sheridan, is even more baffling:

    “As a man, I don’t have to use CTA. I’m fortunate to have a car. But I use CTA often when I come downtown, because even though I am a working pastor, these parking tickets are super high.”

    And you want to be my latex salesman.

    Comment by Roadrager Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:30 pm

  14. Public transit is successful when rich people are willing to use it. It should be the superior option, not something you grow out of when you have the money for a car.

    Comment by Formerly Unemployed Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:34 pm

  15. Maybe the Mayor can exempt working Pastors from parking fees. At least the male pastors/s

    Comment by DuPage Saint Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:34 pm

  16. So Rev. Acree makes public transit all about him. “As a man, I don’t have to use CTA.” What.

    A better response, “As a board, we will study ways in which to improve public transit for riders and make efficient use of public funds.”

    Face palm.

    Comment by Rudy’s teeth Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 1:43 pm

  17. A month and a half out from losing BCH and they have learned nothing. They cant be helped, apparently.

    Comment by low level Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:08 pm

  18. Shame on me after almost 40 years in Chicago and nearly 25 of that in City/State government, but I am speechless. More about the fact that he actually said those words than that he thinks those thoughts, but both. And what does that man comment even mean?

    Sadly, I am not at all surprised that the committee just waved him on through.

    Comment by Leslie K Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:25 pm

  19. Just when you think Johnson can’t do anything else that makes his administration look incompetent, he does.

    Comment by Long time independent Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:29 pm

  20. It’s one thing to be unaware of the fiscal cliff (albeit a big thing). It’s another to openly admit to being completely unaware of it. It’s like there is not even an attempt to make these Board members appear remotely qualified for the these roles.

    Comment by DupageDad Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:31 pm

  21. Heckuva vetting job, Brandon. Once again his D-team staff never ceases to amaze.

    Comment by New Day Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:34 pm

  22. “Worst Cities To Drive In”

    Quite a week for all of this to bubble up: They’re doing work on both LSD and 90 at the same time, leading to gridlock on both north-south highways.

    Comment by NIU Grad Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 2:43 pm

  23. Too often Chicago and Cook County is a vast sea of patronage positions with little or no overriding quality control. Taxpayers in Cook really pay a hefty price for “government.”

    Comment by here Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:12 pm

  24. == They’re doing work on both LSD and 90 at the same time, leading to gridlock on both north-south highways. ==

    The road on the lake isn’t a highway, despite how people treat it. And the name changed.

    Comment by paying attention Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:24 pm

  25. Anyone remember the name George Krambles ?

    CTA & Metra need a guy like that now . Maybe several guys like that

    Comment by Earl Hickey Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:27 pm

  26. A couple of things. It is still LSD and clearly we all will need a lot of it to get through this administration. Seriously, you didn’t have enough respect for the position you are being nominated for to maybe google it. Or because you are a “man of the cloth” there will be a divine intervention. You can not make this stuff up.

    Comment by DMC Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 3:48 pm

  27. Traffic congestion around the Chicago area could be reduced by building the I-57 to I-65 Illiana Expressway.

    Comment by Dupage Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:04 pm

  28. It’s amateur hour at city hall every

    Comment by pragmatist Wednesday, May 8, 24 @ 5:04 pm

  29. Qualifications for the position aside: How does this not come up in a prep session?

    Comment by Dirty Red Thursday, May 9, 24 @ 4:44 pm

  30. Again, just when you think our Mayor can’t step in something more foul that before, he proves us all wrong. At what point do we acknowledge that we actually need competent, knowledgeable individuals who understand the actual problems/programs that need to be worked on? Sadly I know it won’t be in the next three years.

    Comment by Just a guy Friday, May 10, 24 @ 12:43 pm

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