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Sen. Harris’ voting record was major factor in party choice for county clerk

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* Background is here if you need it. As expected, Sen. Napoleon Harris’ voting record on abortion and, especially, marriage equality came back to haunt him when Democratic Party leaders met last week to choose a candidate for Cook County Clerk. A.D. Quig has a very comprehensive story in the Tribune, so you should read it all, but here’s the state angle

“Let me be clear: I believe in a woman’s autonomy of her body and her right to choose,” Harris said. “To (the) LGTB community, I am not homophobic. However, I am a man that believes in autonomy to do what you want to do. Love who you want to love, and you will have my support as well, as long as we have mutual respect for each other. This election is bigger than a quote, is bigger than someone saying what you are and what you believe in.” […]

The office does not intersect with abortion access, but it is a key party plank. The clerk’s office does issue marriage, birth and death certificates, as well as changes to gender on vital records. Both groups [Equality Illinois and Personal PAC] urged party members not to support Harris because he did not vote on several bills, including the Reproductive Health Act, the Marriage Equality Act and Birth Certificate Modernization Act, which would have allowed transgender people to access the documents that match their gender identity. […]

Harris said the Marriage Equality Act was his first vote after being sworn into the General Assembly in 2013 and he was “unsure of which way to vote because my district was kind of half and half, it was split. But more importantly, it was an opportunity for me to learn.”

Harris said he did not “personally” support the birth certificate modernization act, but as clerk, he would not “neglect or deny anyone the ability to get the documentation that they need.” […]

“But given the opportunity to show, rather than speak to, your support for folks who need these documents to be safe, you chose not to,” [Rep. Kelly Cassidy, one of the legislature’s strongest proponents of abortion and LGBTQ rights and the committeeperson for the 49th Ward] said. “What I’ve seen is a person who has chosen not to stand up … for my marriage and my community when given the opportunity to do so.”

Harris said, “I apologize that I can’t be with you or haven’t been with you 100% of the time, but I respect your rights, and if you can’t accept that I accept you, how can we accept each other? … I’m as real as it gets, no one can push something on me and then expect me to just shove it down my throat and then I can’t be me … we’re a party of a big tent.”

Shove it down his throat?

posted by Rich Miller
Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:10 am


  1. Harris is entitled to his opinions, and saying that he will vote in accordance with his constituent wishes is totally acceptable.

    But it is also totally acceptable for the rest of the party to not pick him for a position because of it, should they choose. No one is kicking him out of the party, but they don’t have to give him a “promotion.”

    Comment by Homebody Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:20 am

  2. Harris represents a larger part of the Dem Caucus than people know. It just isn’t said out loud. There is a reason why most of the alphabet legislation passes with bare majorities.

    Comment by James Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:23 am

  3. ===There is a reason why most of the alphabet legislation passes with bare majorities. ===


    This ain’t 2013 any more.

    RHA passed with 40 Senate and 70 House votes.

    HB9 passed with 36 Senate and 66 House votes.

    Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:29 am

  4. Men who complain about things being “shoved down their throat” with respect to LGBTQ issues are … providing a visual that’s hard to shake.

    Comment by Suburban Mom Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:33 am

  5. “alphabet legislation”

    Aren’t you clever.

    Comment by Larry Bowa Jr. Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:41 am

  6. These are the comments of someone who is DEEPLY uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ issues. Nonsensical, roundabout…I can just picture him tugging on his collar and sweating profusely.

    Comment by Lakeview Looker Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:58 am

  7. Tellin’ me about support for personal freedoms and autonomy, then tellin’ me how he isn’t comfortable with legislation that would codify those rights and freedoms.

    There’s a name for that, Harris. The GOP.

    Comment by Flyin'Elvis'-Utah Chapter Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:17 pm

  8. He just did a brilliant job in just a few words of making people who voted against him feel really, really good about their decision.

    Comment by New Day Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:22 pm

  9. ==Harris said the Marriage Equality Act was his first vote after being sworn into the General Assembly in 2013==

    He voted present in February and in November on concurrence, didn’t vote. In the House, both of his representatives voted yes (Davis and Jones).

    Comment by Google Is Your Friend Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:34 pm

  10. So glad Cook County Dems aren’t imposing their purity tests on the party beyond their comfortable 80 percent Democratic county. It’s nice you have that luxury but the majority of Democrats across the state and nation do not live in that blue bubble.

    Comment by Here Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:40 pm

  11. Didn’t he play football at Northwestern?
    Gee, what did Northwestern football do around the time he was there that was a major news story this past summer?

    Comment by Proud Papa Bear Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:46 pm

  12. You know it’s absolutely OK for him to vote the way his constituents want. But it should also be OK for the party to choose someone else with a voting record more like the mainstream of the party.

    Comment by cermak_rd Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:47 pm

  13. the transcription of the good State Senator saying “LGBT” is generous. there was a significant amount of stumbling as you could imagine and have heard from similar-minded folks.

    and @Here, where does the Cook County Clerk work?

    Comment by sewer thoughts Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:49 pm

  14. I’m not sure the “blue bubble” means what it used to on abortion and LGBTQ+ issues. The opinions/feelings of American people across party lines have shifted, particularly when you get to the very basic levels of protecting the rights of people. I just don’t think crying “purity test” rings true on these issues any more. You either believe in the basic rights or you don’t. And more people do than do not.

    Comment by Who else Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:50 pm

  15. He voted his conscience as well he should have. As is often said here votes matter and especially those early votes.

    Comment by Annon3 Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:53 pm

  16. “Love who you want to love and you will have my support as well.”

    Fixed it for him.

    Please do not put conditions on whether you will accept human rights, Mr. Harris. You’re not a victim.

    Comment by Politix Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:54 pm

  17. ===He voted his conscience===

    He didn’t vote or hit the yellow button.

    Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:54 pm

  18. Failing to vote on women’s health care and LGBTQ+ issues is a very transparent way of saying “I’m a coward.”

    Comment by Politix Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 12:59 pm

  19. and he wants to run for congress. yep, this post will see alot of monitors the moment he declares…

    Comment by bored now Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:15 pm

  20. So he was against it before he was kind of for it before he was against it again (“shoved down my throat”)

    He is more than entitled to his view and votes and all that goes along with it but as several others have mentioned the party was free to chose someone else.

    == the majority of Democrats across the state and nation do not live in that blue bubble.==

    The position is for Cook County Clerk. Any influence only extends that far, and in Cook County, these issues were settled years ago.

    Comment by low level Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:20 pm

  21. “we’re a party of a big tent.”

    And elected officials from that party are expected to protect the rights of everyone in that tent.

    And Napoleon Harris didn’t do that.

    – MrJM

    Comment by @misterjayem Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:23 pm

  22. Harris is welcome to his views. So is the party. Sometimes they don’t line up, and the party is bigger than Senator Harris. I’m glad they realized that… now it’s time for the Senator to do the same.

    Comment by Lincoln Lad Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:24 pm

  23. I strongly disagree with the Senator’s votes or lack there of on the issues, but I do think it is important to acknowledge how far the Party and voters as a whole have moved on the issue in the last 15 years.

    I know a certain US Senator from IL who was permitted to “adjust” their position on abortion access after a bad vote early in their career.

    Comment by Wobblies United Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:51 pm

  24. == who was permitted to “adjust” their position on abortion==

    Sure, but has Senator Harris really adjusted his position? The “shoved down my throat” comment suggests otherwise to me.

    Comment by low level Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 1:57 pm

  25. The Cook County Clerk’s office has 350 employees.

    They deserve equal protection in the workplace, and the Cook County Democrats are right not to roll the dice with Harris.

    If he wants the job, he can run for it.

    Comment by Thomas Paine Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 2:06 pm

  26. - was permitted to “adjust” their position on abortion access after a bad vote early in their career. -

    He didn’t “adjust” his position he outright changed it after meeting with young women who’d went through some awful situations.

    I see nothing in the senator’s statements to indicate he’s had a similar change of heart.

    Comment by Excitable Boy Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 2:41 pm

  27. There’s a script for making these kinds of mind changes though that this gentleman has not followed. e.g. Call a press conference and discuss hour your daughter/son/mother/father/niece/nephew/cousin/dog’s veterinarian came out and how you have now changed your mind. Or go the Durbin route and meet with constituents with stories to tell.

    Comment by cermak_rd Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 3:25 pm

  28. Senator Durbin conducted basic research to inform his decision-making and ensure he properly represented his constituents.

    In other words, he did his job.

    Comment by Politix Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 4:11 pm

  29. Funny the Big Tent party was able to promote Obama and Biden after their about face in Gay Marriage

    Comment by Spooky32 Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 9:28 pm

  30. The time has come when elected officials are being held accountable for their shameful record of making abortion dangerous, unavailable and illegal. It’s about time! There are no excuses for putting the health and lives of women at risk by denying them access to the abortion care they need, want and deserve.

    Comment by Cosgrove Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:16 pm

  31. ===after their about face in Gay Marriage===

    They admitted they were wrong and embraced change. Did you see that Friday when he said “shove it down my throat”?

    Comment by Rich Miller Monday, Apr 29, 24 @ 11:21 pm

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